I am still amazed I have somehow ended up living in a place where I know I have to take my camera or I’ll be sorry. My dentist, Dr. Wendy, has her office in Stonington. If I’m lucky I time it right so I can eat at the Harbor Café before or after. I’ve always loved the small place but then they shellacked marine charts to the tabletops! What a great idea. I sat at chart #103 and had a close look at the waters surrounding Castine. And, yes, I had a grilled blueberry muffin, you already know one of my weaknesses is a grilled muffin... And bacon. One deserves a treat on a going-to-the-dentist-day, don’t you think?
So then on a recent Sunday, I went to the Brooklin Inn for brunch. It's a dirty job, trying all these places for you, but someone has to do it. I do love eggs benedict and I'm afraid the Brooklin Inn's are so good I may have to indulge every single Sunday... (With thanks to Dwight for the sign photo, http://www.dpeck.info)
Brooklin, with what I refer to as Bob's Boatyard, and other fabulous spots, like the tiny handful of shops including Blossom Studio, is a must visit for every traveler up this way. I saw Rich Hilsinger, the director of the WoodenBoat School, at the Wine Shop's monthly tasting recently. Just because I'll be too busy this summer to take a class, doesn't mean you shouldn't. The school is fabulous. I took Elements of Seamanship, with Jane Ahlfield and Gretchen Snyder the summer I turned 40 and had a great time. We learned so much in a week and had a great time. The waterfront is the best you'll find along the coast. They have so many different courses--building all types of wooden boats, carving, seamanship, sailmaking, rigging, oil painting...
And I didn't tell you what I did on February 14, did I? Valentine’s Day found lucky me at the Arborvine, celebrating Margaret’s birthday with Barbara and Sissy. I met Margaret through the Blue Hill Foliage, Food, and Wine Fest, as her artwork was used for the poster and it's Barbara who runs Gallery 66. I had swordfish with an orange miso sauce—so delicious. I walked up from the inn under stars and a moon. Margaret is my second friend who turned 77 in the last year, Dr. Charlotte on Deer Isle being the first. Seems to me that’s about the luckiest year ever.