I also have show-and-tell about the bracelets I just bought. They are Donna D'Aquino's work. Aren't they fabulous?
We are well into September, which means the traffic is lighter, the days are a bit cooler and the conversation circles around where you can see the best foliage and when the peak season will be. Maine's Official Fall Foliage Website is fabulous! This area traditionally peaks between October 8 and October 21. We have already seen the odd limb here and there. I haven't had that afternoon yet where it's a full on sunny day but not hot and the breeze has a fall football feel to it. School's have started and George Stevens Academy, that gorgeous white building across the street, has welcomed 28 international students this year.
I had lobster cakes and a great soup, too. Everything--from the bread basket to the bottle of wine we selected to the coffee crème brûlée--I can't believe I waited until the end to tell you about dessert! I love crème brûlée but this was beyond any I've had--so creamy, so delicate crispy, and so smoothly coffee flavored. I wonder if I can get it to go... I've tried to figure out how to serve crème brûlée at the inn but since we only serve breakfast and crème brûlée would make a messy pillow chocolate, I think I have to keep dining out. Aw, shucks, right?
So I've gone on too long and didn't get to mention the latest crop of amazing guests--I continue to struggle with my Italian (OK, struggle is generous. I don't speak Italian. Some day I will.) as the write up in gli itinerari di DOVE has made us a popular stop for traveling Italians (seriously, how long do I have to spend in Italy in order to get some of their style? Really, do you think I could? Pick up style like picking up a language?). Just America travel agency continues to send us Brits with great senses of humor. And September is always Georgia month as southerns escape the heat. But please, if you already know you're coming, whether this year or next, call and reserve your room. Between weddings and reunions and special events, we're already holding lots of rooms and I want you to have the room you want the nights you want.
I have to resist having a second strawberry muffin. Two are left from breakfast this morning but Assistant Innkeeper Maura, who will be on soon, and Venice, one of the housekeepers who keeps this place spotless, haven't tried this new recipe of Matt's. Resist, Sarah, resist!
Update: I then remembered Maura doesn't eat flour things. I saved the bigger of the two for Venice. Well, at least I haven't eaten it yet! They are sooooo good.
Final update: Venice came and got it. Whew!