I am, as Capt. Bill from Old Quarry Ocean Adventures would say, a happy camper--well, happy innkeeper. Why? Today was a great day. Right now, eight guests--two tables--are playing cards. The gals from Texas are playing canasta, a game from my childhood. They are a great giggling heap of Southern fun, snapping pictures at the breakfast table of the food and the pretty Rowantrees Pottery blueberry napkin rings. And they brought me a present--pumpkins and a great yellow mum for the front step. There I was, getting ready for hors d'ouevres hour in the kitchen when they pulled me out saying they had something for me. If they email me the picture, I'll pass it along.
Some of the guests are in town for a wedding--tonight was the traditional lobster bake, with corn on the cob and blueberry cobbler. The men from Hawaii wanted to get invited but went to the Blue Moose instead and settled for Cornish game hen and the BBQ ribs, and then came back and sweet-talked me out of extra pillow chocolates. Then the two couples from California came back from the Arborvine, pleased as punch with their fine meals and their tour of the kitchen up there. The folks attending the Maine Maritime Academy are struggling with reunion syndrome--you know, when one spouse knows everyone and all the stories and the other knows nobody at all. I'm hoping the skylights in room 9 will make it all better--the sky has cleared and the moon is very sassy tonight.
The caramel cookies Charlotte baked keep disappearing and I keep replenishing the plate but it looks like tomorrow will be a baking day. I'd have more of the lemon blueberry bars to offer but I sent a plate of them up to Boatyard Bob at the Brooklin Boatyard with some guests who toured the boatyard and checked on the progress of the big boat being launched in October. Looks to be on schedule. A German man came in looking for a room for tonight. I fed him blueberry bars while I called around and found him a vacancy down the road. As I insisted he take a bar for his wife, he said he felt like he was being taken care of by his mother. Be warned--I do try to feed everyone who comes through the door.
Earlier today I was at the post office and ran into an old friend, just in time to get help carrying groceries and mail into the inn. She sampled the apples and pears from the trees in the orchard and pronounced some were good eatin', some were perfect for pie, and some for cobblers. The hammock often catches the pears.
I also got an email from Don Johnson (no, the other one) about his Inn Your Dreams class. He's bringing the class here for lunch and a class session in October. I can't wait--I took his class in spring 2006 and look at me now! In November 2008 the class will meet here--sign up now!
And, I'm wearing a gorgeous necklace that my friend Margaret made--she's starting to sell them online--fabulous work. And the weather should be great for the wedding tomorrow (maybe the men from Hawaii will get invited to the party over Don's pecan muffins at breakfast) and for sailing on the Perelandra and for kayaking in Stonington and Castine, and there's fresh cider in the fridge and more glazed pecans.
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