I have to jump ahead to October for just a minute--not that I want to leave the gorgeous August weather we've been having but you have to know about the October events before they go too public and get filled up.
First, Columbus Day weekend, we are collaborating with Paul Sullivan, OK, collaborate might be too strong a word. We are lodging and feeding guests who will be attending Paul's music workshops and events all weekend long. Paul is hosting three days of music workshops during this "musical getaway weekend." It's your chance to visit one of the most beautiful villages on the coast of Maine, hang around with Paul, and indulge in music to your heart's content. There will be piano master classes, improvisation sessions, some interesting and unusual musical adventures (steel drums and synthesizers, for example) and great meals including a lobster feast. Paul will also perform a solo piano concert for you on Saturday night. You'll be staying with us at the inn and fall foliage will be at its height. We only have room for twenty participants, so be sure to act on this quickly. Paul and his partner Jill will send you a brochure with more details. Contact them at 207/359-8432, or by email: Jill@rivermusic.com.
And then it will be time for the Foliage, Food and Wine Weekend! This year's event will be bigger than ever.
We will again be hosting El El Frijoles for a Latin inspired, wine paired dinner. This will absolutely sell out so if you want to join us, call us now! Maxx, from Blue Hill Wine Shop, will be on hand to pour and educate.
A new event at the inn this year is Kate from Black Dinah Chocolatiers. She will hold a very small chocolate making class at the inn on the festival weekend. Not to sound like a broken record, but this will absolutely sell out--and our kitchen isn't half as big as our dining room--so you must call us immediately if you want to be included.
And then we're hosting Inn Your Dreams! Have you ever wondered about running an inn of your own? My friends thought I was crazy when I first started talking about it. "What if you don't like it?" they wondered. "Can't you try it out?" Here's your opportunity to explore your dream. I took his class in spring 2006 and look at me now! Come to the inn for a few days as part of Don Johnson's Inn Your Dream seminar
Blue Hill is stunning in the fall. Pick your activity and come see. Of course, if your activity choice is reading a book under a golden canopy of fall leaves, we'll take good care of you.
In the meantime, sunscreen and raspberry iced tea... August in Maine is fresh blueberries, ginger-pear ice cream from Millbrook's little shop, drinks at Table on the patio...
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