The magic of it all continues. The lilacs opened just as the inn did. Beautiful, fragrant, and purple, they are a full week earlier than most around here. Every day I wonder around the garden to see what's come up and marvel at it all.
Lupines are just beginning to flower in the warmest spots, on schedule for the lupine festival, June 20-22, on Deer Isle.
We've had guests in from England--Wayne, Sally, Kerry, and Jazz; Italy; and Canada, as well as Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Massachusetts, and even Maine. As I tell my Wisconsin guests, go visit my brother's place in Cassville, WI,
Whitetail Bluff Camp and Resort, and tell him his sister sent you and said to put your drink on her tab.
Barbara and Bridget, up from Natchez, Mississippi, needed a ride into Stonington so I offered to take them and, shucks, I ended up kayaking with them at
Old Quarry Ocean Adventures. 
We had a perfect Maine day to be out on the water. We toured around Camp Island, Devil's Half Acre--where we stopped for lunch and met some clammers--and Grog Island. We saw bald eagles and a baby eagle in a big nest, double-crested cormorants, and black guillemots.

We saw at least one rock full of sunning seals. So often a bobbing seal turns out to be a buoy instead.
Rj Miller and Linda Miller kayaked with us. He's a photographer and she's an amazing paddler who, from the bow, kept their tandem kayak still and in a good position while he snapped shots. We--our guide, Brigid, the Mississippi gals, and I--got to be kayaking models. Those of us in wetsuits were happy to have skirts on. The Millers are from Wisconsin so I got a nice fill of the Midwest accent and conversation with people who know what delight a fried cheesecurd is (is putting pictures of fried cheese on your blog a silly thing to do? They aren't very photogenic, are they?).
The eggs in the nest by the Cape House door hatched! I've seen at least one little fuzzy head.

I thought I'd give them all a few days and then try to sneak a photo with a zoom lens and a step ladder. Recent guests left me the nicest note: "This is one of the most charming cottages we've ever stayed in--complete with a nesting bird at the entryway!"
I can't believe I haven't told you this yet! All last summer guests would ask about the safe in the main parlor and I would say it didn't open and hadn't been opened in years and the combination was lost and we needed
Geraldo to help us. Then! Matt, the grandson of the previous owners, Don and Mary Hartley, came back to work and mentioned that he knew the combination! I actually jumped up and down I was so excited. It turns out that Don had kept the combination in his wallet, which got picked one year. Fortunately for us, Matt had memorized the combination long before then when he was just a kid. We're going to keep our extra secret recipes in there.

We have so many sweet spots to enjoy in the garden. On a warm day it's the perfect place to bring iced tea and a cookie. Yesterday they were the browned sugar cookies, which used to be my favorite treat. Now Matt's been making tiny tarts--this week with fresh strawberries. And guests are loving the crabmeat quiche...
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