So much to do this summer. A volunteer from the Jonathan Fisher House stopped by with information about the Antique Show, held at the fairgrounds Aug. 16. The Fisher House was designed and built by Fisher in 1814. He was the town's first minister and a very handy man--he made most of his own furniture and was an accomplished painter and writer. The house is open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays in July and August.
The Schoodic Arts Festival is July 28-Aug. 10 this year and the line up of activities looks great.
And the Lupine Festival is June 20-22. How about a schooner trip? An airplane ride? Art? Music? Crafts? Eagle watching? I love a festival with a bit of everything. And the maps show where to spot big stands of wild lupine.
I'm leaving the inn in Assistant Innkeeper Maura's capable hands this week as I head to the Rusticator Restaurant at the Oakland House. The Littlefields are collaborating with Rich Hanson, from Cleonice--I have no doubts the results will be astounding. The location is gorgeous and Rich is an amazing chef. Again and again, guests tell me how pleased they are with the choice of restaurants in this area.
The newlyweds, who had been with us three nights, just checked out today, pink cheeked from a hike on Barred Island and sitting at the new deck at Lily's in Stonington yesterday. I mentioned the inn's game shelf didn't have a cribbage board yet--they bought one for us and said they'd play with me next year. So sweet!
We've been taking some photos for various ads (by "we" I mean Don Radovich of Downeast Dimensions). This is room 10, one of our first floor rooms with a fireplace.
And have I mentioned the tarts?! Matt is making these amazing fruit tarts with fresh strawberries or apple. Good thing Blue Hill Mountain is such a great hike.
Have you heard of the Maine Birding Trail? Check out this great birding resource. A guest from Florida told me about it.
I hope your June is going well, too, and that you'll visit us soon.
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